lamaisondegeorgeJun 6, 20214 min【千尋百訪的新派古早味】‧ 『路過北角』食誌與訪談:古月※ 撰文《左字廚房》鄧子怡《千尋百訪的新派古早味》 : 辣椒叉燒千層酥板河 (古月) 《SEARCH FOR THE NOUVEAU TASTE OF HERITAGE》 Chili Char Siu Pan Ho Mille-Feuille Lasagna (Ancient Moon)※...
lamaisondegeorgeMay 15, 20213 min【平民的米芝蓮酸辣湯餃子】‧ 『路過北角』食誌與訪談:麥記美食 ※ 撰文《左字廚房》鄧子怡《平民的米芝蓮酸辣湯餃子》麥記美食 撰文《左字廚房》鄧子怡 Recipe link : Crystal Dumpling with Miso Dashi and Rosemary Mushrooms with Spring Onion Croutons 【水晶湯餃子...
lamaisondegeorgeDec 21, 20204 min【 THE VIVID GLUTINOUR RICE BALLS IN MY MEMORY】VIA NORTH POINT Interview Article Recipe link : Green Tea Chocolate Glutinous Rice Ball with Honey Jasmine Tea The Vivid Glutinous Rice Balls in my Memory Written by...
lamaisondegeorgeDec 21, 20203 min【回憶裡的湯圓色彩】‧ 『路過北角』食誌與訪談:褔元湯圓 ※ 撰文《左字廚房》鄧子怡【回憶裡的湯圓色彩】 撰文:《左字廚房》鄧子怡 請按此到~路過北角 x 左字廚房 創作食譜: 【蜂蜜茉莉綠茶巧克力流沙湯圓】連結 在訪談初期,當施老闆談及店內特色和經營歷程都表現得比較靦腆,但當我問到有什麼家鄉菜式令他特別懷念時,他便立即滔滔不絕地訴說家鄉泉州的小食。他說...
lamaisondegeorgeJun 10, 20204 min【 FRENCH CURRY CHICKEN BAGUETTE IN CHEF' HEAVEN】VIA NORTH POINT Interview ArticleText and Photography by George Tang @ George Kitchen Recipe link :Curry Chicken Baguette Stepping into Tin Yin Coconut Company, the...
lamaisondegeorgeJun 8, 20204 min【廚師天堂裡的法式咖喱雞長棍包】‧ 『路過北角』食誌與訪談:天然椰子號 ※ 撰文《左字廚房》鄧子怡拜訪了傳統老店「天然椰子號」,與老闆曾氏夫婦暢談食材與守業,為大家送上第一篇食誌與訪談 ──「廚師天堂裡的法式咖喱雞長棍包 (天然椰子號)」。現邀你一同尋味,細味驚喜。圖片附詳盡食譜,齊齊動手烹煮吧 : 法式咖喱雞長棍包食譜連結...
lamaisondegeorgeMay 23, 20201 min#Food : Disguise your greens: how to dress-up your veggies for ultimate flavorLet's dress up our greens with all sorts of beautiful & colourful ingredients. #flavor #vegetables #greens
lamaisondegeorgeMay 23, 20201 min#Food : Eat for the seasons: a guide to seasonal cuisine around the globe#seasons #food #summer