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Green Tea Chocolate Glutinous Rice Ball with Honey Jasmine Tea 蜂蜜茉莉綠茶巧克力流沙湯圓


Updated: Jan 8, 2021

Green Tea Chocolate Glutinous Rice Ball with Honey Jasmine Tea

(▼中文版食譜在英文版下面▼) 蜂蜜茉莉綠茶巧克力流沙湯圓

INGREDIENTS : 16 pieces/ 4 servings

Chocolate fillings (8 g each)

140 g dark / white chocolate

10 g butter, melted

1 TBSP corn starch

Glutinous Rice Balls (12 g each)

120 g glutinous rice flour

10 g green tea powder / sugar-free cocoa powder

80 ml boiling water

1 tsp oil

15~25 ml room temperature water

Honey Jasmine Tea

500ml water

10 g rock sugar, crushed

1~2 TBSP jasmine tea leaves, adjusted according to personal taste

20~30 ml honey, adjusted according to personal taste

some dried jasmine for decoration

Cooking water for Glutinous Rice Ball

1700 ml boiling water

300 ml room temperature water


Chocolate filling

1. Place a piece of microwave grab wrap onto a small rectangular tray and set aside.

2. Put the chocolate chips into a large bowl, pour the melted butter onto the chocolate, mix until the chocolate is melted. Then pour the chocolate batter into a small shallow rectangular tray, smoothen the batter top. Cover and put in the freezer, and freeze until the batter is slightly firmed.

3. Divide the chocolate into 16 equal portions. Round each piece of chocolate into an 8 g ball, dip into the corn starch. Place all the chocolate balls back onto the small tray with plastic wrap, well cover and put it back into the freezer.

Glutinous Rice Balls

1. Put the glutinous rice flour and green tea powder / sugar-free cocoa powder into a deep bowl. Add in the boiling water and mix well with a chopstick, then add the oil.

2. Slowly add in the room temperature water and mix well. Then knead the glutinous rice flour into a dough for an earlobe hardness. Add in more water if the dough is too hard and knead it until softened. Cover and set it aside at room temperature for 15 minutes.

3. Boil 500ml water and turn off the stove. Add in jasmine tea leaves, then cover and infuse for 30 minutes. Remove the jasmine tea leaves, then add in rock sugar and cook until melted. Turn off the stove and side aside.

4. Divide the glutinous rice dough into 16 portions, 12g each. Cover the doughs with plastic wrap to prevent the remaining glutinous rice balls from becoming too dry. Take the dough out one at a time and shape it into a small hollow ball.

5. Take the chocolate balls out of the freezer.

6. Lightly push a chocolate ball into the small hollow dough, enclose the dough and roll it into a ball shape.

7. Put a few glutinous rice balls into 1700 ml of boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes, the rice balls will start to swell and float.

8. Add in 300 ml of room temperature water. Once the water boil again, the rice balls will be cooked and floated on the surface. It will also swell into 1.5 times the size. Please don't cook too many at a time, need to leave some space for the rice balls to churn.

9. Add the honey in the jasmine tea and mix well.

10. Drain the rice balls and put them in a serving bowl. Pour in the honey jasmine tea, sprinkle some dried jasmine flowers on top and serve.


*The uncooked glutinous rice balls can be stored inside the freezer with a freeze zip bag. Do not need to defrost before cooking, directly boil in boiling water.

**The green tea powder for the glutinous flour dough can be replaced by other ingredients such as sugar free coco powder, charcoal powder, strawberry powder, yam powder, raspberry powder, carrot juice, butterfly pea flower, etc.


材料: ‧ 4人份 / 16粒


140克 黑/白朱古力粒

10克 溶牛油

1湯匙 鷹粟粉


120 糯米粉

10 綠茶粉 / 無糖可可粉*

80 毫升 滾水

1茶匙 油

15~25 毫升 室溫水

蜂蜜茉莉花茶: 500毫升 10克 冰糖碎

1~2湯匙 茉莉花茶葉(根據個人口味調教)

20~30毫升 蜂蜜(根據個人口味調教)

少許 乾茉莉花,用作裝飾 煮湯圓水: 1700毫升 滾水 300毫升 室溫水

做法 :


1. 將一張微波爐保鮮紙,鋪在長方型小淺盆上,備用。

2. 把朱古力粒放在大碗內,倒入溶牛油,拌至朱古力溶化,攪勻,然後全部倒入小淺盆中,抹平,蓋好,放入冰格,冷凍至稍硬。

3. 再將朱古力分切成16份,將朱古力搓圓,每個8克,沾上少許粟粉,再放回有保鮮紙的小淺盆上,蓋好,放入冰格冷藏保存。


1. 將糯米粉和綠茶粉 / 可可粉,放入一深盤,加入滾水,用筷子攪勻後加入油。

2. 慢慢加入室溫水拌然後用手把糯米粉揉和成糰,糯米糰的軟硬度像耳垂一樣。如糯米粉糰太硬便加入少許水再繼續搓至柔軟(愈柔軟愈容易包),蓋好,靜置室溫15分鐘。

3. 將500毫升煮滾後,關火,放入茉莉花茶葉,加蓋焗30分鐘,棄掉茉莉花茶葉後,加冰糖煮溶,熄火,待用。

4. 把糯米糰分成16份,每個12克,再用保鮮紙蓋面,防止剩下的糯米糰太乾。每次只取一個,捏成一個小窩。

5. 從冰格拿出朱古力餡。

6. 將一粒朱古力球放入小窩裏面,用手的虎口位置收口,搓圓。

7. 全部湯圓包好後**,放入1700毫升滾水裡,大約兩分鐘後湯圓會開始膨脹及浮起。

8. 再加入300毫升室溫水,待水滾後,湯圓會煮熟再浮面,及膨脹至1.5倍大小,便已煮熟。每次煮湯圓時,不要一次煮太多粒,要留空間讓湯圓翻騰。

9. 將蜂蜜放入茉莉花茶內,在碗中拌勻。

10. 把湯圓放入碗內,灑些乾茉莉花,便可享用。

小貼士 :


*糯米糰的綠茶粉 ,可以轉用其他材料做出不同的味道,例如:無糖可可粉、黑炭粉、士多啤梨粉、香芋粉、覆盆子粉、紅蘿蔔汁、蝶豆花等。

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